Stainless Steel or Copper..
Stainless steel, straight mouth 1" rings...
10" shank with stainless steel single twisted wire mouthpiece mounted on shank that slides within lo..
(Made in U.S.A.) Stainless steel shanks. 10" shanks only.
Available in five mouthpieces: Sweet I..
Slips over the mouth of any style bit. Prevents a horse from getting his tongue over the bit.
Imported Stainless Steel. 5" mouth, 9" shanks. Available in mouthpieces: a) Sweet Iron Twisted Wi..
Stainless Steel 5" mouth..
5" mouth, 1 1/2" rings, smooth snaffle...
10" shank with stainless steel double twisted wire mouthpiece mounted on shank. Made in the U.S.A...
Stainless Steel - $8.95 Copper - $13.95
Stainless steel shanks. 3-piece sweet iron snaffle with copper rollers. Great for a horse that lik..
Used on horses that have a tendency to pull to the side. Made of leather with firm bristles...